2013年10月29日 星期二

Update photos and details for our presentation

Our presentaion is about providing grade 3 students with some knowledge regarding to the coming festival-- Christmas. And most importantly, teach the students how to create their own stylish online Christmas card using an online application named scratch.
During the activity, I(Chen LUO) was responsible for the begining introduction about what are we doing and what are we trying to achieve at the end of the class. And Judy was the teacher talking some stories about Christmas. Mag was the IT professor who taught students how to use scratch to create Christmas cards. Finally, Amaly and I were also the "recorder" who took photos and videos.
Following are some photos/videos we took and Christmas card we created.

Explaination about how our group members collabrate and contribute to our group blog PART 2

As Judy mentioned, we often sprate the group activities into 4 parts and each of us is responsible for one part. When we finish our part in the activities, we send email to the rest of our group members. Above are evidences about how we communicate via emails.

Besides, when we encountered some problems that cannot be solved via internet, we use wechat to arrange a time for us to meet up in person.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask our group members via email.
(Mag:gmzzxg@gmail.com,  Carven: cavan9012@hotmail.com, Judy: elivestudy@gmail.com, Amaly:amalyhk@gmail.com)


2013年10月28日 星期一

Explanation of how our group members collaborate and contribute to our group blogs

Dear reviewers,

We are honored to be chosen as your reviewee. When you are reading our blogs, we have to introduce how we collaborate with each other to you.

Our group blog is a place to show our group work. We usually use google docs, wechat, gmail, moodle group discussion part, and face-to-face meetings to plan, execute, adjust, produce, and comment our group products. 

You can see our part of our individual contributions and all of our group works in 3+1 group blog. Please feel free to contact Judy (Zhu Dan), Amaly Shi, Mag Xu, and Carven Luo for more information in case you need it. Any suggestions and questions are welcome! Thank you so much for choosing us. We are looking forward to further discussions with you.

-- Judy

Group Activities_Scratch

Here is the link of our scratch.

Hi, guys~
Could you upload the photos here?
Thx a lot.

What do you think are the defining characteristics of mobile learning?

From my point of view, mobile learning has the following characteristics:

1. Portable. 

-- Learners can access stored information anytime anywhere.
    Learning resources move with learners. In other words, data and information via mobile devices is portable and moveable.

2. Wireless networking.

-- Most of problems related to internet conncetion will be avioded. This characteristic makes the process of learning vital and flexible.

3. Spontaneous

-- Mobile learning is more spontaneous than other learning resouces. For example, if you are sitting outside the Opera House, you could become curious about when the performance hall was built and look up the answer online via mobile browser.

4. Private

-- It means that only one person at a time usually has access to mobile device and  that you may access the data you want indenpendently from other learners.

5. Informal

-- Learners do not need to learn according to a course schedule. If you want to know something about a side topic, you can just simply explore that at your leisure. It also doesn't matter what you look like or when you learn -- you can use you mobile device to learn in a bussiness suit or you pajamas and still get the same information without criticism.

6. Interactive

--Mobile learning must be interactive as it relies on data from serves. Learners usually share information and exchange opinions on the cyber platform which gurantees the interactivity as the defining characteristic of mobile learning.



Uses of Mobile Technology in Study

In this Blogger, I would like to clarify my understanding on study through mobile technology. 

In education context, when mention about mobile study I got misunderstanding at first because I thought mobile study is to use a mobile device to assist study. According to Wikipedia, 'a mobile device (also known as a handheld computer or simply handheld) is a small, handheld computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input and/or a miniature keyboard and weighing less than 2 pounds (0.91 kg). Therefore although I never thought that a calculator is a mobile device, the conclusion would be using a calculator to study is mobile study too. It seems that a moving device may achieve mobile study. Whenever, whatever I want to calculate, it could be done. 

 However, when look further in Wikipedia, by definition as 'mobile technology is the technology used for cellular communication', I know that why it is written: 'Nokia, Samsung, Apple, HTC, LG, Research in Motion (RIM) Aaronia and Motorola Mobility are just a few examples of the many manufacturers that produce these types of devices'. Thus, it is not a device itself may achieve mobile study. The device is too limited without technology particularly mobile technology for study. 

 Now I think about mobile phones first as soon as talking about mobile technology. We all have interesting of using smart phones to share works and experience.It is a popular technology in some areas. However, there are still many districts are not available with the technology. Then technology is a key point rather than a device.'A May 2012 comScore study reported that during the previous quarter, more mobile subscribers used apps than browsed the web on their devices: 51.1% vs. 49.8% respectively.'(Wikipedia) Then, development of applications in the mobile technology is a tendency as the technology is basis on a device and beyond that. Particularly apps for offline use could be welcomed. 

There are loads of applications. Therefore, it is import to choose right ones for study. That is to use right mobile technology on right devices with right teaching methods for expected learning outcomes.