2013年9月29日 星期日

Google glass

Here is the video about glasses evolution. After watching the clip, could you image what the future glasses will be? ICT is changing our life, isn't it?

2013年9月26日 星期四

Google Glass

Hi, my fellows.
You can login with ur goole account to edit the blogger.
Please try it.
And we can share material about google glass.

aha ~

2013年9月13日 星期五

Mindmap of Learning Theories

Here is our mindmap.
Part 1 behaviorism - by Amaly;
Part 2 cognitivism - by Carven;
Part 3 constrctivism - by Judy;
Part 4 modification & edit - by Mag

Modification by Carven

New version of our mindmap.

2013年9月12日 星期四

Evaluation on 'Waste Recycling'

Here is our evaluation of 'Waste & Recycling'

Good points:
1.    Topic is meaningful. It’s a good useful idea to ask people to know knowledge about waste and recycling for environmental protection.
2.    Categories are listed step by step, eight parts of the issue are clear to let readers to know the content.
3.    The Blogger provide for readers is a convenient way to begin collaborative work.
4.    It contains much information, and they offered 2 games for the blog visitors, which may enhance the reading experience.
5.    They highlighted some words on the content, which will be helpful for the readers to find what they are looking for in the blog.
6.    Two of the three parts in ‘click one of the above process to learn more…’ could be demonstrated well with further information are much more clear.
7.    Different font and word colour shows clear structure
8.    Blog in "project" part is a good involvement for students
9.    Assessment and learning process management are designed

1.    It is academically in certain degree, though it is less professional than an international conference speech as no student level is indicated as it mentions only for student research, in case the students are not old enough.
2.    Same icons used for eight parts are a little boring and hard to identify.
3.    Loads of words and few pictures, readers may not be able to go through all the descriptions carefully. Insufficient learning activities are designed to empower and engage students
4.    Most of the links provided by the editors are not accessible.
5.    Even the editors mentioned on the first main page that they would talk about the 3R (Recycle, Reuse and Reduce), they did not put these 3 main contents on the layout which is a bit con’ confusing.
6.    They did not label where the data come from.
7.    The “Project” link on the layout cannot be opened.
8.    Main titles of the website without highlighting

1.    Check the links and make sure that they are accessible.
2.    Try to find some supportive videos or other format of materials (e.g. animation, graph, music, voice, etc.) instead of writing loads of words.
3.    Chang the icons of the 8 parts, improve the UI design and add navigation column.
4.    Change position of Impact part and Recycling part’ to make it more logical.
5.    Main titles and subtitles can be more organized

2013年9月9日 星期一

Our group members

Hi, my dear fellows.
We are 3+1 group.
We have Judy, Amaly, Carven & Mag.
Nice meeting with you~