2013年9月23日 星期一

Tour to Beijing(google map/glogster)

Here is the link of our google map.


1 則留言:

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Our reflection:
Tourist is one of our interesting fields and here we focus on the capital Beijing in order to provide recommendation from our own experience. Tools we choose to communicate are gmail and Wechat, and the tour project are put into Google Maps and Glogster. Also we have word files for details.
During our collaborative working on the tour introduction, emails provided us literature sharing with pictures. When we discussed Wechat was convenient. Glogster was a great tool for us to share video/audio, text, pictures. However, it was really difficult to be accessed in many cases due to the internet problem. Therefore it was ideal as we first hoped. Gratefully, Google Maps provided us a very good method to demonstrate the positions with briefing introduction and it was a fresh and meaningful tool for us.
Anyway, we learned and experienced Web 2.0 from this section and did do practice through ICT.
Your comments and instructions will be highly appreciated.

Mag added:
We want to be the tourist guide to introduce Beijing. So we choose Glogster as a tool to edit our tour route. Because it contains many elements, like pictures, videos, text, etc.We found some scenery spots with photos, video, etc. Detail information is collected by our group members. However, when we edit our Glogster, we really find it hard to handle. First, it's hard to login. Every time it takes us a lot of time to login. I wonder whether there is some limitation because it's a free version. When adding video. We could only hear the voice but couldn't see the images. It's quite weird. Maybe we choose a wrong one. It's not suit our topic. But we also found that Glogster is not so helpful.