2013年10月21日 星期一

Review on line-What is education research to you? - Amaly

Review on line-What is education research to you? - Amaly
Education research is a specific investigation and evaluation process focusing on various educational issues in expecting for achievements on knowledge, pedagogy, curriculum, education management and communication by analyzing in both qualitative and quantitative methods at the same time.  The issues including but not limited to all those relate to different aspects of education such as permission, infrastructure, hardware and software, human resources, management, practicing and assessment together with the interconnected and influence factors. 

張貼意見於: MITE6024 3+1group

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Blogger Amaly Shi 提到...
Reference: Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management Edited By Marianne Coleman and Ann R J Briggs.
Blogger Mag Xu 提到...
I regards education research as a way as finding problems in education areas and try to solve them by doing some research in some places. A research should be useful if it does do help to education, or we can say teaching and learning. Research is not just research, but to increase better education.

3 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Reference: Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management Edited By Marianne Coleman and Ann R J Briggs.

Tortoise 提到...

I regards education research as a way as finding problems in education areas and try to solve them by doing some research in some places. A research should be useful if it does do help to education, or we can say teaching and learning. Research is not just research, but to increase better education.

Chen LUO 提到...

From my perspective, education research is about finding problems that worth to be investigated in education field. And of course, provide potential solutions towards these issues according to your personal and critical thinking. In order to make a great report, I think some background research is needed. After that, you should view literature regarding the topic, to see comments and some thoughts from education professionals. And then, collect data and analysis. Finally, provide your critical thinking and solutions about the issues you looked into.